Creeping Charlie

The Pilea nummulariifolia is commonly know as Creeping Charlie. It originates from Florida, the Caribbean and the northern part of South America. It is a fast growing vine/ground cover and is considered an invasive species in some parts of the world when planted outdoors. Indoors it will reach 4-6 inches tall and trail as long as you want it. The leaves are oval and a rich green with scalloped edges. The veins are sunken giving it a crinkly puffy appearance. They are also edible is small quantities.


AKA: Creeping Charlie

Light: Tolerant to low light; prefers medium to bright indirect.

Watering: Requires regular watering. Water when the top 1 inch has dried out. Keep it evenly moist but not soggy. Water slowly and evenly; discard excess.

Humidity: Average home humidity to high humidity.

Toxicity: Non-toxic to cats, dogs and humans.

Potting Mix: Regular fast draining.

Additional Care: This is a perfect plant for a terrarium. Needs regular pruning to maintain size or create a bushier plant.
