Euphorbia trigona

Euphorbia trigona is an interesting plant that looks like a cactus with leaves. It is often mislabeled as a cactus when it is actually a succulent. It grows in thickets in West Africa and can reach 9 feet tall. Indoors it will reach about 6 feet tall or so. The stem is green, tall and upright and has branches as it grows. There are thorns on the ridges with green drop-shaped leaves between the thorns. It is a bizarre plant that will add interest to any collection.


AKA: African Milk Tree, Cathedral Cactus, Abyssinian Euphorbia, Friendship Plant, African Cactus Milk Tree

Light: Bright indirect to direct light. At least 4+ hours of sun. South or west window.

Watering: Allow the top 2 inches of soil to dry out completely before watering. Water slowly and evenly until water comes out of the drainage holes; discard excess to avoid root rot.

Humidity: Dry to average home humidity.

Toxicity: Highly toxic to cats, dogs and humans

Potting Mix: Sandy fast-draining.

Additional Care: The milky sap is highly toxic. Repot carefully and protect your skin and eyes.
