Banana Tree

The Banana Tree (Musa) is perfect for adding a tropical feel to any room. They are originally from Southeast Asia and the South Pacific and have become naturalized throughout the world. Depending on the variety they can reach 16 feet tall outdoors and 10 feet tall indoors. Commonly called a tree, they are not actually trees at all but the largest herbaceous (a plant with no woody stem) plant. They grow from a corm (modified underground stem like a crocus) and what we commonly call the trunk is a pseudostem (false stem). The long leaf blades come off the plant on long stalks (petiole) and the leaves will naturally tear and look like fronds.


AKA: Musa

Light: Bright indirect to direct light. At least 12 hours of light daily.

Watering. Banana trees are thirsty plants. Water when the top 1 inch of soil is dry. Water slowly and evenly until water comes out of the drainage holes; discard excess.

Humidity: Prefers it warm. Average home humidity to high humidity.

Toxicity: Non-toxic to cats, dogs and humans.

Potting Mix: Rich, loose well-draining soil.

Additional Care: Likely won’t fruit indoors. Grows quickly if the right conditions are met. Divide and repot when it becomes too large for the pot. They are also heavy feeders so fertilize it often during the growing season.
