Lucky Bamboo

Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana) is not a bamboo at all but part of the dragon tree/cane family. It is a shrub native to central Africa growing up to 5+ feet tall with long slender leaves. Indoors it can reach 2-3 feet in height. It is regularly used in feng shui as it is believed to bring good fortune and good luck, especially if given as a gift. It often comes as a straight or curled cane and either potted or placed directly in water. The spiral is created by forcing the plant to grow turning towards the light (phototropism).

Lucky bamboo is nearly indestructible and can live in a variety of conditions. This makes it great for desks, offices, homes and new plant parents.


AKA: Curly Bamboo, Chinese Water Bamboo, Ribbon Dracaena, Friendship Bamboo

Light: Low to bright indirect light; direct light will burn the leaves. A fading or stretching plant is an indication of not enough light.

Watering: Lucky bamboo can be potted or grown solely in water. They are sensitive to tap water so use rain, distilled water or allow your tap water to sit for 24 hours before using it. Vase Care - Change the water every two weeks and keep the water level even. Soil Care - Keep it evenly moist but not soggy.

Humidity: Suited to average home humidity but will thrive in high humidity. Avoid drafts or vents.

Toxicity: Mildly toxic to cats, dogs and humans.

Potting Mix: Rich and fast draining.

Additional Care: Healthy roots are red. If kept in a vase, add pebbles to the bottom for support. As your lucky bamboo grows you can trim the offshoots. This also encourages busier growth.
