Monstera Deliciosa

Monstera deliciosa is easily recognized by its large glossy fenestrated leaves. It is native to Southern Mexico through Central America. The fenestration occurs so that the lower leaves can receive enough light. As the plant grows and the more light it receives, the larger the cuts and perforations. It is a climbing plant and can climb up to 70 feet in its natural habitat with 1-3 foot leaves. Indoors it can grow 6-8 feet with a support like a moss pole to climb up.

Monstera Deliciosa 1

AKA: Swiss-Cheese Plant, Split-Leaf Philodendron (NOT actually a philodendron)

Light: it prefers medium to bright indirect light but can tolerate low light.

Watering: Water when the top 2 inches of soil has dried out. Water it slowly and evenly until water comes out the drainage hole; discard excess.

Humidity: Thrives in nearly any environment but it enjoys a morning misting once a week.

Toxicity: This plant is mildly toxic to cats, dogs and humans if ingested.

Potting Mix: Regular nutrient rich and fast-draining. Should hold moisture without becoming soggy. Peat moss is a good additive.

Additional Care: Wipe off dust that collects on the large leaves as this can hinder photosynthesis.
