
Peperomia obtusiflolia (obtusifloria means blunt leaved) is native to Florida, Mexico and the Caribbean. It reaches 12 inches in height and has small round rubbery cupped leaves. The leaves are green but the variegated variety has cream, light green and dark green. Many times called a Baby Rubber Plant, it is not in the ficus family at all but a true succulent. It is also a great beginner plant for its easy care.


AKA: Baby Rubber Plant, American Rubber Plant, Pepper Face Plant

Light: Medium to bright indirect light especially for the variegated variety. Tolerates low light.

Watering: Allow the top 1” to dry in between waterings. Less in the winter. Water slowly and evenly; discard excess.

Humidity: Average home humidity to medium/high humidity.

Toxicity: Non-toxic to cats, dogs and humans.

Potting Mix: Fast draining.

Additional Care: Dust leaves. If there is a loss of variegation, move it to a brighter area.
