Fairy Castle Cactus

One of the most popular and easy care cactus is the Fairy Castle Cactus (Acanthocereus tetragonus). This plant is native to Southern Florida, Texas, Mexico through Central America and South America and the Caribbean. It has tall green columns with each column having 3-5 angled sides and spines running up the edges. It is slow growing and can reach 6 feet in height. The Fairy Castle Cactus gets its name from the curved branches that resemble turrets on a castle.


AKA: Triangle Cactus, Night Blooming Cereus, Barbed-Wire Cactus

Light: Bright direct sun; south or west window.

Watering: Allow the soil to dry out completely before watering again. Water slowly and evenly until water comes out of the drainage hole; discard excess to avoid root rot. Overwatering is the most common cause of issues with this cactus.

Humidity: Average home humidity to dry air.

Toxicity: Mildly toxic to cats, dogs and humans.

Potting Mix: Loose, porous, fast draining and fast drying.

Additional Care: Plant in fast draining soil. Use leather gloves and/or tongs to move or repot.
