
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinali) is an herb native to the Mediterranean. It is a perennial in warmer climates but an annual in Northern Utah. It can also successfully be grown indoors through the colder months then taken back outside once temperatures are above 30 degrees F. There are many varieties of rosemary and it can grow up to 3-5 feet tall. Like all herbs, it requires proper drainage.


Light: rosemary requires at least 6-8 hours of sunlight daily; keep in a South facing windows if growing indoors

Water: this herb is drought tolerant so allow the soil to dry out completely before watering. Be sure there is adequate drainage to avoid soggy soil and root rot.

Potting Mix: well draining and sandy soil

Toxicity: non-toxic to cats and dogs; edible for humans

Fertilizer: rosemary isn’t a heavy feeder so fertilize it in the spring and a couple times throughout the growing season

Additional Care: Rosemary can be grown indoors but it does require the proper amount of humidity and air circulation. Terra cotta or other porous materials is great to pot rosemary in as it breathes and the soil will dry out faster. Watch for spider mites in the winter if growing indoors. To harvest clip the top 2-3 inches of each sprig.
